Thermal News May 2015Welcome! Durex Industries Thermal News is written to provide snapshot views of events and developments that will have a positive impact on our customers’ businesses and our employees’ lives.OFF TO AN EXCITING FUTURESpring is in the air with new technologies, business processes, and human resources at Durex Industries. Ed Hinz, Durex Founder, and CEO, recently stated that Durex continues to reinvest in development of new technologies, products, manufacturing processes and business systems that will continue to provide value for our customers and employees. In this issue, readers will learn more about why Ed and the Durex family are excited about the future here at Durex Industries. ?ENGINEERED THERMAL SOLUTIONS EMPOWERING INNOVATIONWhat is the difference between a thermal component and an engineered thermal solution?A thermal component is a standard product, such as a cartridge heater, tubular heater, or temperature sensor, which is pre-designed and can be used in a myriad of thermal applications. Normally, thermal components will do a “pretty-good-job”, but are not optimized for performance, robustness, or cost effectiveness. Conversely, an engineered thermal solution is an engineered solution that has been optimized for a specific application and provides superior performance, robustness, and cost-effectiveness. Typically, equipment engineers choose an engineered thermal solution when “good enough” performance of a thermal component does not provide a competitive advantage. Since its founding in 1980, Durex’ business has focused on developing heater technologies that would become the foundation for engineered thermal solutions. During a strategic planning exercise, we asked ourselves, “How has the Durex business model evolved?” Our answer was that Durex’ competency is being a custom thermal solutions company. Yes, Durex has excellent technologies, standard thermal components, and engineering support. However, it’s clear what customers value is Durex’ ability to take a challenging application and create a thermal solution that improves their equipment’s performance and competitive position. ? NATIONAL PLASTICS EXPOSITION, MARCH 2015![]() ISO 9001: 2008 CERTIFICATIONDavid Christopher, Durex Industries Quality Assurance Mgr., announced that Durex has completed plant-wide re-certification under ISO 9001: 2008. David stated, “Nothing leaves our facilities without the product completing rigorous in-process and final inspections by certified operators to product specifications. Product testing can include x-ray inspection, live-power testing, helium leak testing, surface temperature uniformity testing and various electrical testing. Our products undergo these extensive testing and inspection processes for just one reason— namely, our customer’s satisfaction. This aligns perfectly with our new Quality Policy: We will meet customer expectations by focusing on continuous improvement and providing quality products, delivered on time.”The ISO 9001: 2008 “Certificate of Registration” can be found on our website under the Quality and Certifications page. ? DUREX INDUSTRIES ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNINGLooking toward the future, Durex realized their existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system was inadequate to meet growing internal and customer needs for timely information. In 2014, Durex identified an ERP system that would integrate and automate all facets of the operation, including product planning development, manufacturing, sales & management, services & human resources.As anyone who has ever done it knows, changing over to a new ERP system has many foreseen and unforeseen challenges. Okay, some people would call it painful. Keeping the end state in mind as you go through the process is critical. Seeing the mistakes of other companies, Durex took steps to minimize problems for customers. Unfortunately, there were problems that caused heartache for some customers. For that, we apologize. However, the good news is that the new ERP system is now in place and becoming the resource that we envisioned. With every passing day, information that is critical to Durex and our customers business is expanding. The result is that Durex will be a better supplier now and in the future. Thank you for your patience and support during this time of change.? MICA HIGH-TEMPERATURE HEATER TECHNOLOGY![]() THERMAL SOLUTION COMPETENCYDurex Industries is a unique thermal design and manufacturing company that specializes in custom thermal solutions used in challenging industrial applications. What makes Durex unique is our in-house capability to design and manufacture thermal solutions without being overly dependent on a large supplier base. At our Cary, Illinois facilities, Durex designs and manufactures thousands of custom cable, cast, silicone rubber, tubular heaters and temperature sensors for industrial equipment applications. Supplying thermal solutions to customers across many industries and applications requires a wide range of thermal, electromechanical, metallurgical, and other associated design and manufacturing capabilities. Durex Industries’ design and manufacturing expertise have made us a preferred supplier of industrial thermal solutions.Contact Durex Industries for all your thermal loop product and system requirements. 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