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Process Heating Systems
Immersion Heaters
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Storage Tank Heaters
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SENTINEL Heater & Insulation Systems
Process Heating Systems
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Temp Controls
& Panels
HALO® Temperature Controllers
Temperature Control Panels
HALO® Temperature Controllers
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Temperature Controllers
HALO® Temperature Controllers
> HALO® Temperature Controllers | Safety Limit Controllers
HALO® Temperature Controllers
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Semiconductor Gas and Pump Line Heating Functional Safety System
HALO® SLC Temperature and Safety Limit Controller
How controls should be done now and in the future.
Integrated Functional Safety Control (IFSC) of both the process and safety limit control needs of thermal system. Utilizing a Single Hybrid Microprocessor and software specifically designed for Class B Functional Safety and Control.
Durex Industries’ HALO SLC process and safety temperature controllers are an integrated thermal solution combining temperature control, safety high limit control, heater current sensing, visual multicolored alarm indication, high/low temperature alarm, digital I/O, Independent Graphical User Interface (GUI), and RS 485/Modbus® communications. The HALO SLC controller represents a new convergence of technologies that improves thermal system safety, control and performance while substantially reducing costs of ownership.
The HALO® Temperature Controller and
SENTINEL® Gas and Pump Line heaters
are a superior thermal solution for semiconductor applications.
One HALO temperature controller can monitor the performance and control the temperature of multiple heaters with up to 10 amp resistive loads. Independent current sensor monitoring of heater load provides engineers with a visual HALO indication of a heater or wiring failure.
HALO® Temperature Controllers Overview
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Control where you need it - at the source!
Cost effective communications to access the data you need.
HALO SLC - Dual Modbus Ports
Allows local communication to local area network such as tool HMI (Human Machine Interface) and also connect separately to wide area network such as protocol gateway (Ethernet/IP, ETHERCAT) or SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).
HALO® SLC Features and Benefits
HALO 360° Visual Alarm Indication -
Visual alarm indication in remote location. RGB LEDs for color differentiating process events and alarms.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) -
Easy set up and monitoring of system parameters
Integrated 10 Amp Power Switching -
Enables thermal systems with up to 10 amps of parallel wired heaters
Integrated Over Temperature Limit -
De-energizes heaters if over temperature event occurs
Integrated High and Low Current (I) Sensor -
Monitors heater health of individual or parallel wired heaters up to 10 amps
Independent Process and Alarm Sensor Inputs -
Accurately measures process temperature and monitors heater health
High/Low Temperature Alarm Relay -
Switch closure for external alarm device
Selectable Temperature Control Algorithms -
Stable process temperature control
Ramp/Soak Programming -
Programs up to 8 times/temperature process steps
Agency Approvals (pending) -
Universal Mounting Bracket -
Flexible vertical or horizontal mounting options
Hybrid Functional Safety Processor -
Allows for a compact and cost saving method for achieving Class B Functional Safety.
HALO® Specifications
Power: 85 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Input sensors: thermocouple Type K (programmable option Type J)
Set-point Temperature range: 0 to 700° C
Heater relay: 10 amp resistive Hybrid SSR/EMR relay @ 240 VAC
Safety Limit Temperature Relay: 10 amp resistive
Low temperature alarm relay: 2 amps resistive at 30-240 VAC/VDV, Form A
Current (I) sensing: 10.99 amps maximum
Ambient temperature: 0 - 60°C
Mobilize and maximize your control power with HALO!
Contact us
for Technical Assistance.
HALO® Temperature Controllers Downloads
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HALO® Temperature Controller Spec Sheet
- 2.1MB
HALO® / SENTINEL® Design & Installation Guidelines
HALO-GDPL-1116 - 1.5MB
Temp Controls & Panels
HALO® Temperature Controllers
Temperature Control Panels