1/8" Cartridge Heaters For Analytical InstrumentationAn analytical instrumentation system supplier had a new application for rebuilding column heads used by leading gas chromatograph (GC) manufacturers. The product specifications called for a small heat source that would provide quick thermal responses. Voltage and wattage varied with GC manufacturers, so the engineers needed a thermal solution supplier with flexibility to provide quick delivery and competitive pricing for several custom heater designs.Durex Industries' product specialists worked closely with the customer's engineers to define common requirements for each GC manufacturer and, where possible, merged the requirements. The supplier selected a 1/8th-inch cartridge heater due to the electric cartridge heater's small physical size and high watt density, which were compatible with the original instrumentation manufacturer's specifications. By understanding the scope of the requirements, Durex Industries engineers were able to reduce the number of heater designs and product cost.