ChemicalProcessHeatingSystem Chemical-Process-Control-Panels

Turnkey Batch Reactor Heating & Control System for Chemical Processing

A manufacturer of specialty chemicals needed to develop a batch chemical manufacturing process that required precise, multi-tank as well as multi-zone electric heating and control parameters in order to achieve desired product characteristics and high yields. If successful, the manufacturer was looking to expand production.

Durex worked very closely with the customer to understand the heating application, develop PI&D layouts, flow and electrical schematics, provided technical applications support to specify circulation heaters and control panels as well as valves, piping, tanks and pumps, etc. Durex also designed for ease of integrating capacity expansions into the heating system. Durex manufactured and provided full in house pre-assembly and test prior to disassembly into modules for shipping. We also provided on-site start up and commissioning service.

Result: The entire process heating project was executed on time. Installation proceeded smoothly and despite a few small hiccups during the startup and commissioning, the chemical process heating system has been on line and operating cost effectively since.

Contact us to learn more about our electric heating solutions for your next process heating project.

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For the precise solution to your thermal challenge, give us a call today at (800) 739-9060.

Durex Industries designs, engineers & manufactures electric heatersprocess heating systemstemperature sensors and temperature controls.